Hi, I'm Sara Alavi your Holistic Healing Concierge!

Sapphire Star Kids

$ 899
  • 8 week program
  • 6 one hour sessions
  • For kids 6 to 12 years old

Green Emerald Exclusive

$ 899
  • 6 private Sessions
  • Email and Text support
  • Accessibility - on Demand Scheduling
  • Bi-Weekly Motivational Newsletter and Special Articles

Red Ruby Royal

$ 1799
  • 14 private Sessions
  • Sara’s Free E-Book
  • Hypnosis audio Library
  • Meditation Audio Library
  • Yoga Therapy Video Library
  • Email and Text support
  • Accessibility - on Demand Scheduling

Blue Diamond Elite

Learn More
  • 33 private healing sessions
  • Flexible schedule
  • 2 “Come to YOU Transformation” sessions
  • Holistic Healing Concierge Retreat
  • Custom-Made Personalized Journal
  • Support with 24 hour VIP response rate
  • A surprise Self-Care kit
  • Everything in Ruby Red Royal Program

I help you heal your inner child, along with childhood and adult traumas, feelings of unworthiness and overwhelm that lead to unhealthy patterns, self-sabotage, and addictions, through combining ancient healing modalities and cutting edge scientific techniques for impactful recovery.

Additional Services

Vedic Counseling Hypnosis Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Yoga Nidra Meditation Yoga Therapy Reiki Healing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Integrative Healing You Can Trust

Client Testimonials

I began working with Sara as an adjunct to my personal traditional therapy work.  As a nurse, mental health therapist and trauma specialist myself, I was impressed with Sara's level of expertise in applying a trauma sensitive approach.  Each session I experienced a blend of new modalities, customized to my current need as a result of her extensive training over the years. My work with Sara brought healing in areas I had not been able to achieve previously.  Comprehensive healing, personalized care, enhanced resilience and continued support describes my experience in working with Sara!   
Cindy B, Edmond
“I've never had an experience where so much was revealed so quickly. I reached out to Sara for help with a particular issue. Through the use of hypnosis, EFT (tapping) and relaxing meditation, I was able to find a path forward. The addictive behavior has improved, it has not disappeared. But, the knowledge that I am indeed healing and have tools to utilize on the journey can only be attributed to Sara's process. ”
Gina L., Union City, Oklahoma



Healing from childhood trauma is a profound and deeply personal journey. This book offers a practical guide to understanding, addressing, and overcoming the impacts of trauma. It aims to provide hope, comfort, and the confidence to begin and continue your healing journey. Each chapter includes insights, strategies, and actionable steps to support you on your path to healing and transformation.

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